sábado, 22 de novembro de 2008

Blonde Redhead - 23

Sei que 2 vídeos de seguida é um bocado naquela...mas tou sem portatil por isso o blog tem que funcionar como que uma playlist salvadora :P...

23 seconds, all things we love will die
23 magic, if you can change your life

Your tainted heart, my tainted love, repent now
How many times ?
As long as you live, how many times ?
The world will go around

He was a friend of mine, he was a son of god ... he was a son of a gun

23 seconds, in you I see a chance
23 magic, if you change the name of love

Your crazy heart, my crazy love, repent now
How many times ? As long as you wish
How many times ? The world will go around
How many times ? As long as you want
How many times ? The world will go around

He was a friend of mine, he was a son of a gun ... he was a son of god


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